
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)

What is it?

Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a powerful technique used to analyze materials in many industries, from pharmaceuticals to mining, and even in aerospace for the exploration of Martian soils!

The LaserAgTM system is a very special application of the LIBS technology that quantifies different elements, including carbon, nitrogen, organic matter, pH, buffer pH, and nutriments.

It enables the analysis of very complex matrices, such as agricultural soil, forage, and plant tissue. Soil matrix are complex because their composition can be quite varied in terms of texture, granulometry, and chemical composition.

The LaserAgTM system works in three very rapid steps: first, a powerful laser is fired at the sample surface and irradiates it, therefore creating a plasma.

Second, the laser is turned off and the samples’ electrons return to their previous state. In concrete terms, they emit the absorbed energy as electromagnetic radiation, each periodic element emitting radiation in an specific wavelength.

Finally, these wavelengths are measured and used to determine the precise elemental composition of the sample.

LIBS analyses are fast, simultaneous, inexpensive, environmentally friendly and require less sample preparation than traditional methods.

What’s in it for me?

The LIBS technology used by the LaserAg Quantum machine enables rapid, simultaneous, multi-element, low cost, and environmentally friendly analyses that requires little sample preparation.

More specifically, this technology allows:

  • The simultaneous analysis of several parameters, including climate package parameters (soil organic carbon, organic matter, pH and buffer pH).
  • Shorter operation time than other methods. Thanks to the technologys’ fluidity and user-friendly design, sampling, sample preparation, and analysis can be completed in 48 hours.
  • Very little sample manipulation, which reduces the risk of human error.
  • The absence of chemicals and by-products, leaving behind only the recyclable cup and a small amount of soil, forage, or plant tissue.
  • Much lower operating costs than traditional chemical methods.

Logiag‘s advantage

LaserAgTM is the most advanced LIBS-based technology for the analysis of soil, fodder, and plants.

Our in-house LIBS and AI specialists, engineers, software developers, and laboratory technicians have not only developed this technology over a 10-year period, but are constantly working on updating and maintaining it.